
About Rogers

What’s in a name?

My grandmother’s maiden name was Rogers, and my dad and I were both named in honor of her.

What’s the story behind Audrey?

My sister’s middle name was Audrey. She always encouraged me to pursue my dream of a career in music, and I was just getting started on this journey when she passed away at age 34. When naming my business I decided to honor her, keep her memory close, and have a simple reminder that life is fleeting.

Why music?

I have always been fascinated by the way music can move you, change your whole perspective, and remind you of a place in time like nothing else. The curiosity of how songs are put together, the recording process itself, and why it grabs you emotionally has never left me. I want to make music that moves people and inspires them in the way that I have been.

What are you most known for as a producer, mixer, and songwriter?

The importance of the song and the singer. The ability to clearly focus on the most important elements in a song and amplify them so the song jumps out of the speakers and truly moves the listener. This helps me easily transition between genres because to me the most important thing is the song itself, the lyrics, and by extension the vocals.

What type of artists do you like to work with?

Driven and focused artists who are not afraid to be vulnerable during the songwriting process, or in the studio. The genre doesn’t matter as long as I can truly feel drawn to the music and the artist. This is the starting point for building trust, and without trust, you’re lost.

What’s your process?

As a producer and mixer, it’s my job to climb into the fantasy of the song and help the artist realize their vision and message. I’m all about the song and arrangements first. From there, it’s pre-production conversations. As much pre-production as possible before heading into the studio. I like to look under every rock and around every corner to make sure the song is absolutely as amazing as it can be. I have found this opens the session up to the broadest possibilities of truly special moments.

What else are you passionate about?

I have a ’62 Land Rover that I love working on and overlanding with. Woodworking and building things. Backpacking, camping, and sailing keep me close to nature and grounded. Above and beyond all this is my deep love and passion for my beautiful twin boys and my amazing wife.

Little known fact?

I love to sew. Yep, the cat’s out of the bag now.

I can start a fire without a match, in any weather, and I can build a chair to sit by the fire.

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